


の負傷によりIWGP世界ヘビー級王座返上となったウィル・オスプレイは、怪我が完治後も日本へは戻らず、イギリスのRPWとアメリカのNJPW STRONGを中心に活動をしています。

自分こそが本物のIWGP世界ヘビー級王者であることを主張するオスプレイが、SE Scoopsのインタビューに答え、今新日本プロレスで闘いたい相手はオカダカズチカであることを語りました。


“New Japan, the only person I care about right now is Okada,” Ospreay told Samira of SE Scoopsin an exclusive interview. “The guy has been ducking me for awhile now and with my stance right now with new Japan, I’m refusing to go over to Japan just because of how they stripped me of my World Heavyweight Championship when they have no right to strip me. I’ll happily go into the rules of the IWGP, but the fact is, no one has pinned me, I’m undefeated, so I am the real IWGP World Heavyweight Champion and my title match was meant to be against Okada until New Japan canceled it. In terms of Japan, Okada.”

『オスプレイはSE ScoopsのSamiraの独占インタビューに答えました「新日本、今の俺が気にしているのはオカダだけだ。オカダはずっと俺を避けてきたし、俺の新日本に対するスタンスは、世界ヘビー級王座を剥奪する権利がないのに剥奪されたという理由だけで、日本に行くことを拒否しているんだ。喜んでIWGPのルールを説明するが、誰も俺から直接勝っていないし、事実無敗なので、俺が本当のIWGP世界ヘビー級チャンピオンであり、タイトルマッチは、新日本が中止と発表するまではオカダと闘うはずだった。だから日本という意味ではオカダだ』

引用:Fightful Wrestling



“The rest of the world, I would still love that match with CM Punk. He’s the one that called me out. He’s the one who said, ‘I want to wrestle Will Ospreay.’ That Bryan Danielson dude, he was like, ‘I want to wrestle Will Ospreay.’ I get it, there’s a goddamn line. Kenny Omega wants to wrestle Will Ospreay. Take a ticket and I’ll get to you when I get to you guys,” said Ospreay. “I’m not calling them out, they called me out. I hate this thing of, ‘Will calls out AEW wrestler.’ No, they called me out. Who else? Sammy Guevara, he’s another one that called me out. There’s a list that goes on and on and on. They all called me out because the reason why is that they know when Big Match Billy is in town, their stock goes up. Everyone that wrestles me, every single person that wrestles me ups their game because they know that they are in the ring with one of the best wrestlers in the world right now. I completely understand it. If you want it that bad, you know what to do. Call my number, I’ll show up. Nine times out of ten, these guys don’t want me to show up because A, I’ll embarrass them. Guys like Bryan Danielson made a living of being one of the best wrestlers in the world, but if I showed up, he would not last in the ring right me. Kenny Omega was the guy in New Japan Pro Wrestling, but when he left, I took over and I made my own stance and no one could compete with me back in 2019. If I got into a room with him, I’d embarrass him. CM Punk called me out when he wasn’t a wrestler. In that case, he was keeping an eye on me the entire time and looking at me and thinking I’m a challenge. Damn right I’m a challenge. I’m the challenge. If those guys want it, I’m ready. You guys hit me up, I didn’t hit none of them up.”


引用:Fightful Wrestling



